Technical Aspects

As regards to selling and renting, Global Immobiliare will take charge and promptly deal with the following tasks:

  • In the case of sale or long time rental of a property, we will personally carry out the transfer of the contract for electricity, water and gas consumption.
  • Communication for the Municipal Single Tax (IMU) , a tax of the Italian tax system. It is a direct tax similar to wealth tax as it is applied to the component of real estate assets. Created to replace the property tax (ICI), it has  also incorporated part of the personal income tax (IRPEF) and relative additional taxes regarding land incomes on not rented real estate .
  • Communication TA.R.S.U. (Tax on Household Refuse). Citizens or businesses that have a property and/ or an area currently in use, must declare the occupied area from the moment of its purchase by  the following  20th of January .
  • Communication in the case of selling or buying  property to the Administrator of the building.